BBC Mobile Homepage Beta Is Sleek!

The BBC has released the testing version (beta) of its new mobile website homepage. As with the relatively recently renewed BBC homepage for traditional computers, the design is cleaner, more dynamic and whiter.
BBC Mobile Homepage Beta On Stock Android Browser
You can get the new BBC Mobile Homepage Beta on your mobile device by visiting the following link: . You can also scan the following QR code with your mobile device:
This QR code is for the new BBC Mobile Homepage Beta
I quite like the new BBC Mobile Homepage Beta, I find it to be clearer and easier to use comnpared to the current/older version.
The current/older version of the BBC Mobile Homepage on the stock Android browser
As the "beta" label suggests, this is not the finished product, and it is far from perfect. On the stock Android web browser it works fine at the moment, as with the version of Internet Explorer on my Windows Phone 7 device. It renders fine in Opera Mobile and Opera Mini for me too. Sadly the new BBC Mobile Homepage Beta does not render perfectly on the stock WebOS browser (it is useable, but some bits go missing) and the Chrome Beta for Android 4.0 just doesn't like it.
The New BBC Mobile Homepage Beta on the stock WebOS browser
The New BBC Mobile Homepage Beta on Opera Mobile on Android
The New BBC Mobile Homepage Beta on Chrome Beta for Android 4.0
(Beta + Beta = Fail)
I look forward to this homepage becoming the standard one for mobile devices. I hope the clever people at the BBC also manage to make it more dynamic and scalable so that it adapts to larger screens such as those on BAPs and tablets as well as phablets. Well done to the chaps and chapettes involved in the development and deployment of the page, I still feel like it is worth while paying my TV License.

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