
The Verge Is Here!

I follow technology and consumer electronics news and views a lot. The internet is a great tool to do this, and as in real life the sources are important.
News collection, communication and redaction are of paramount importance in an industry as open, manipulated and secretive as it is. For many years Engadget used to be the first site I went to, and I even started listening to the Engadget podcast. Earlier this year Engadget went downhill. The Engadget protagonists Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel and Paul Miller and their "Special Guests" (among them Joanna Stern) left AOL (parent company of Engadget) and went off to start their new venture with SB Nation, as I blogged in this post.
The Engadget Fragmentation (it's a podcast meme applied to the team) lead to SB Nation and a site called ThisIsMyNext.com was started as an interim home for the crew and their new content and excellent new podcast. Later this summer a name was announced for the new venture: "The Verge".
The Verge is now live and it is an impressive new site. Much thought, effort and work has gone into the creation of The Verge, which is definitely something new. As well as a consumer electronics news site it is also a community hub (you can register and join in the forums), device database and covers more than just consumer electronics. The design is clean and magazine like, definitely easy to spend time reading and skimming.

Well done to everyone involved in the launch of The Verge, my new first click website for news and views on consumer electronics!
As usual, feel free to leave comments and/or questions below.